Healing Hands of Newtown
Laser Center and Spa

Headaches are a common ailment that can range from mildly uncomfortable to severely debilitating. They can significantly impact your daily life and well-being. Understanding the different types of headaches, their causes, and effective treatment options is essential for managing and alleviating headache pain.
At Healing Hands of Newtown, we offer comprehensive chiropractic care to help diagnose and treat various types of headaches, providing relief and improving your quality of life.

Most Common Types of Headaches
1. Sinus Headache
Many patients and their physicians often misattribute their headaches to sinus problems. However, true sinus headaches are rare and typically associated with acute sinus infections, which involve nasal congestion, discharge, focal pain, and sometimes fever. Sinus headaches require drainage and antibiotics to improve. If your intermittent facial headache improves with pain relievers or decongestants, it is likely not due to sinuses. Over 90% of patients who think they have sinus headaches are experiencing another type of headache, as confirmed by normal or nearly normal CT scans of their sinuses.
2. Occipital Neuralgia
Occipital Neuralgia involves the irritation of the two greater occipital nerves that transmit sensations from the back and top of the head to the brain. These nerves emerge from the upper neck and travel through the muscles to the scalp. Irritation can cause shooting, stabbing, or tingling pain, often on one side of the head. The pain may radiate toward one eye, and the scalp may become extremely sensitive to touch. In severe cases, patients may experience numbness or tenderness where the nerves enter the scalp.
What Causes Occipital Neuralgia?
Occipital Neuralgia usually occurs when there is a loss of cervical curvature, causing the base of the skull (occiput) to become hyper-extended in relation to the first cervical vertebrae. This leads to inflammation, muscle spasms, nerve irritation, and intense pain.
3. Migraine Headache
Migraine headaches are moderate to severe in intensity, often characterized by a throbbing or pounding sensation. They can occur on one side of the head or anywhere on the head, neck, and face. Migraines are typically associated with sensitivity to light, noise, and smells, and are often accompanied by nausea. Some patients experience an aura before the headache, involving visual disturbances or other neurological symptoms.
What Causes Migraine Headaches?
Migraines are often caused by irritation of the meninges (the outer covering of the brain and spinal cord) or issues with the first cervical vertebra. Dietary factors, dehydration, toxic food additives, and food allergies can also contribute to migraines. Thorough evaluation is necessary to determine the specific cause and appropriate treatment.
4. Tension Headaches
Tension headaches are described as a band or vice-like pain around the head. They often start in the upper back or neck and migrate forward.
What Causes Tension Headaches?
Tension headaches are primarily caused by anxiety and stress, leading to raised shoulders and forward head posture. This increases tension in the cervical muscles, causing chronic muscle spasms and the production of lactic acid, a muscular irritant. Vasoconstriction and shallow breathing due to stress can also deprive the brain of oxygen, resulting in a headache.
Find Relief from Headaches
If you suffer from headaches and seek relief, schedule a consultation with our expert chiropractor at Healing Hands of Newtown. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive care to help you manage and alleviate headache pain.
FAQs About Headaches
How can chiropractic care help with headaches?
Chiropractic care can help by addressing the underlying causes of headaches, such as spinal misalignments, muscle tension, and nerve irritation, through manual adjustments and other therapeutic techniques.
How often should I see a chiropractor for headache relief?
The frequency of visits depends on the severity of your headaches and your personalized treatment plan. Your chiropractor will recommend a schedule that best suits your needs.
Can lifestyle changes help prevent headaches?
Yes, maintaining good posture, reducing stress, staying hydrated, and avoiding trigger foods can help prevent headaches
Are there non-drug treatments for headaches?
Yes, non-drug treatments for headaches include chiropractic care, acupuncture, physical therapy, stress management techniques, dietary changes, and maintaining proper hydration and sleep patterns.
How effective is chiropractic care for treating headaches?
Chiropractic care can be highly effective for treating chronic headaches by addressing the underlying causes such as spinal misalignments, muscle tension, and nerve irritation. Many patients experience significant relief and improved quality of life with regular chiropractic treatments.